Tests and Procedures

Tubal ligation

How you prepare

Before you have a tubal ligation, your health care provider will talk to you about your reasons for wanting sterilization. Together, you'll discuss factors that could make you regret the decision, such as a young age or change in marital status.

Your health care provider will also review the following with you:

  • Risks and benefits of reversible and permanent methods of contraception
  • Details of the procedure
  • Causes and probability of sterilization failure
  • Ways to prevent sexually transmitted infections
  • The best time to do the procedure — for instance, shortly after childbirth or in combination with another abdominal surgery, such as a C-section

If you're not having a tubal ligation shortly after childbirth or during a C-section, consider using contraception for at least one month before the procedure and continue using a reliable form of contraception until your tubal ligation procedure is performed.